Transport Engineering

Dextra Transport engineers provide a diverse range of services to support various activities and ensure compliance with safety standards and international codes. These services encompass, but are not limited to Sea transport, Land transport, lifting and mechanical engineering.

In the context of handling Heavy cargo, commonly encountered in the oil and gas industry, Dextra Transport offers comprehensive solutions. These solutions include activities such as weighing, horizontal or vertical transport, mooring and ballasting calculations, load out/in onto barges or vessels, sea fastening/grillage design, and suitable sea transport.

Heavy load sea transport engineering - drawing
Heavy load sea transport engineering

Sea Transport

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Heavy load land transport engineering - drawing
Heavy load land transport engineering

Land Transport

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Heavy load lifting engineering - drawing
Heavy load lifting engineering


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Heavy load mechanical engineering - drawing


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In support of these operations, our Engineering Department issues detailed Method Statements and Calculations Notes that contain all necessary documentation, meeting the high standards set by International Marine Warranty Surveyors.

The Dextra Engineering team is characterized by its dynamism and multidisciplinary approach. Comprising a mix of enthusiastic, flexible, young, and experienced engineers, the team excels as problem solvers, providing practical solutions. They exhibit creativity, initiative, and strong communication skills, coupled with a solid understanding of fundamental physical laws and mathematics. This approach considers crucial factors such as sustainability, efficiency, costs, reliability, and safety to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

The team is dedicated to continuous learning and development, ensuring they stay up to date on the latest technologies and standards, to deliver optimal solutions for our clients.


Heavy Lift and Transport project management

Dextra Engineering team can provide Project Management Services specialized in Heavy Lift and Transport projects Worldwide including but not limited to:

  • Early Involvement, leading kickoff meetings
  • Project preparations phase, equipment and personnel selection and assessment,
  • Execution phase, ensure operations will be done as per engineering studies and Method Statements,
  • Completion and handover to client,
  • Identify the project objectives,
  • Present clear deliverables and deadlines to Project Team,
  • Provide detailed Project schedule, advise on equipment and personnel needs and numbers,
  • Define roles and responsibilities amongst the Project Team,
  • Use the right Processes and Systems to monitor and manage the Project,
  • Evaluation and close out, lessons learned session.

 Download here our Heavy Lift Engineering and Project Services Presentation